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[2016.01]“Small contribution makes a difference.” - Yuling Liu 멘티(솔브릿지…

페이지 정보

작성자 admin 작성일16-01-15 00:00 조회18,759회 댓글0건


“Small contribution makes a difference.” 

Yuling Liu 멘티(솔브릿지국제경영대학교) / 박일진 멘토 


 On behave of all the SolBridge mentees, it’s my pleasure to write this final report for our wonderful CEO Mentoring Program with Mr. Il Jin Park. Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our CEO mentor Mr. Il Jin Park, who committed himself to this program for one year and led us to be healthier, wiser and more socially responsible. We appreciate that he devoted his efforts and time to our growth, to our curiosity, to our fantastic experience in Korea. We all are lucky to participate in this program with him, to some sense, we all are lucky to have him to be our great friend. 


 During the year, we had 7 meetings both in Seoul and Daejeon. For each meeting, Mr. Park would give a short talk based on his experience as a CEO; then we discussed our critical issues individually. Here are some points that I benefited from. Mr. Park attached great importance to regular exercise. He, a good leader, set himself an example to us. His persistence of daily exercise makes us profoundly believe that exercise makes people mentally younger and stronger. He selflessly shared his failures and successes in life. And taught us to be brave enough to embrace all kinds of challenges and painstaking goals in different stages of life. At the same time, never lose our values of life no matter what we do and no matter who we are. Being socially responsible is also critical for us.


 Make a contribution based on our ability to the community where we are always gaining from. Small contribution makes a difference. These are the important points for me, personally, these are what I shall keep in mind all the time. Mr. Park generously treated us different Korean food and the food we wanted. As e all said, dinner time was always a good time. To be honest, I experienced more Korean culture with Mr. Park rather than in school. Because, in school most of us are foreigners. We enjoyed every time when we were together. I believe that we all benefited a lot from this program. I encouraged us to do so if we are successful in the future. In the end, I also hope more CEOs join this program and involve more students in. 

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